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Phone: 650-494-8170

Students have the responsibility to be in school and in class on time and to attend all classes and assigned activities. Students are to be accounted for at all times during the school day. More specifically students may not:

  • Be absent from school except for reasons of health or family emergency,
  • Leave school during the regularly scheduled school day without being dismissed by a school authority.
  • Be consistently late to school.
  • Be late to class or a scheduled activity.
  • Skip class
  • Refuse to remain after school for discipline or extra help.


California State Law requires that students must attend school. All students are expected to be in school every day from 8:30am - 2:30 pm (Monday & Wednesday); 8:30am - 3:15pm (Tuesday & Thursday); and 8:30am - 1:50 pm (Friday). After returning from an absence, students are expected to go to office hours on Fridays from 1:50 - 2:10 to check in about missed work. The following causes of absence will NOT be considered excusable:

  • Truancy
  • Missing the bus
  • Shopping
  • Babysitting
  • Over-sleeping
  • Car Trouble/traffic problems
  • Staying home to do homework
  • Staying home because of being up late the previous night (even if related to school activities - drama, dance, sports, etc.)
  • Family vacations

If a legitimate, medically documented, long-term illness prevents you from attending school, your parent/guardian should contact the school so tutorial services can be provided by the school department at no cost to parents. Parents of students with a high rate of absenteeism (more than 10% of the total number of school days up to that point) will be notified by the heath tech to determine if a health problem exits, and she will recommend a medical consultation. If no health problem exists and absences continue, an administrator will contact parents. If there is no improvement in attendance, the following steps may be taken.

  • Parent/student conference with an administrator
  • Referral to the Student Attendance & Review Board (SARB)
  • Referral to Probation Officer

General Absences

When a student is out ill, the parent needs to email the attendance office or place a phone call to the attendance office to report an absence.

Personal Business

Parents must send a note to the attendance office BEFORE the absence stating the days the student will be gone and the reason for the absence. Make-up work must be arranged by the student with his/her teachers before leaving on personal business.

Early Dismissal

Routine dental and medical appointments should be scheduled after school hours. For emergency appointments, please adhere to the following procedure. Dismissals from school for important reasons should be requested email or through a phone call. If a student is to be dismissed during the school day, a written request, including phone number for verification from the parent or guardian, needs to be brought by the student to the Attendance Office on the morning of the day of the appointment. Students who are dismissed and return to school the same day must report to the Attendance Office in order to be readmitted to class. To be in compliance with the Ed. Code provisions students must present verification of the health visit upon re-admission to school. Most local health care providers have preprinted forms for this purpose.

If you wish to have your child dismissed early, please call the Attendance Office. In addition, students may not be released to any individual(s) other than those listed on the student's emergency card unless written permission is given. For early dismissals, call the Attendance Line: 650.494.8170 and please provide the following information: student name, grade, reason for early dismissal, time of pick up, and approximately what time your child will return (if applicable). If your child has a medical appointment, please request and submit a note from the doctor/clinic.

If a student leaves school grounds without authorization before the end of the school day, he/she will be considered truant and will not be allowed to return until a parent conference is set up with school officials. Parents and the juvenile police officer will be notified immediately of the incident. Disciplinary action will be taken, including make up of lost time after school. In case of illness, student dismissal must be approved by the health tech. Parents MUST sign students out in person for early release.


Greene takes student tardies very seriously. Students who come to class late not only deprive themselves of important curriculum and information, but they also distract peers who are trying to focus/learn and the teacher who is trying to teach.

A student is considered "tardy" if he/she is not in the room or at the place designated by the teacher at the beginning of the period (e.g. at their desk). Students shall be marked tardy unless they arrive with written permission from the Attendance Office. If a student is absent for half of the day or more, s/he will NOT attend a sport practice, drama practice, sport or drama evening event, dance, or any other school activity on that day or evening.

Leaving Campus

Greene is a "closed campus", and students may not leave during the school day without permission from the Attendance Office. When planning to leave for an appointment, students should bring a note from a parent to the Attendance Office before school starts. The student will receive a permit to leave campus at the specified time that can be shown to the teacher. Students who leave the campus without prior permission will receive a "cut". (This is an unexcused absence and will incur a consequence.)

Forgotten Items

Forgotten items can include, but are not limited to, lunches, PE clothes, homework and musical instruments. Forgotten items will NOT be delivered to classrooms. Parents are welcome to drop these items off in the "Forgotten Items" bin in the front office. Students may stop by the during brunch, lunch, or between classes to see if a forgotten item is in the "Forgotten Items" bin. No reminders will be sent to the student. It is the student's responsibility to check for these items. If a parent thinks the student won't know the lunch has been delivered, a reminder will be sent to the student at the beginning of the period before lunch. Please deliver the lunch by 11:15am to accommodate this notice. Other items will be moved to the lost and found after three school days.